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retreat什么意思? retreat翻译(中文文):撤退, 退却, 撤



例句1:The soldiers were ordered to retreat when the enemy attacked.(敌人进攻时,士们被命令撤退。)

retreat什么意思? retreat翻译(中文文):撤退, 退却, 撤

例句2:He decided to retreat from the business world and live a simple life in the countryside.(他决定从商业界退出,过简单的乡村生活。)

例句3:The company had to retreat from the market due to financial difficulties.(由于财务困难,公司不得不退出市场。)

例句4:She retreated to her room and locked herself in after the argument with her parents.(与父母争吵后,她退回房间并把自己锁在里面。)

例句5:The tide retreated, revealing a hidden cave on the beach.(潮水退去,露出了海滩上一个隐藏的洞穴。)


1. withdraw: 撤回,撤销

2. pull back: 后退,收回

3. retire: 退休,离开职位

4. surrender: 投降,放弃

5. back off: 后退,退缩


retreat是一个多义词,可以作为名词或动词使用。作为名词时,它指的是撤退、退却、撤离的行为或地方;作为动词时,它可以表示撤退、放弃、放松或者后退。同义词包括withdraw、pull back、retire、surrender和back off等。在写作中,根据语境选择合适的同义词可以丰富文章表达,让文章更加生动有趣。


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