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remove是什么意思? remove翻译(中文文):移动, 开除, 移




remove是什么意思? remove翻译(中文文):移动, 开除, 移

1. 作为动词,remove可以表示“移动”、“拿走”、“搬迁”等含义。:

- Please remove your shoes before entering the house. (请在进屋前脱鞋。)

- The police removed the protesters from the street. (把者从街上驱散。)

- We need to remove all the furniture out of the room for renovation. (我们需要把所有家具搬出房间进行装修。)

2. 作为动词,remove也可以表示“除去”、“清除”的意思。:

- Use a cotton pad to remove your makeup. (用棉片来卸妆。)

- The doctor removed the tumor from her brain successfully. (医生成功地切除了她脑部的肿瘤。)

- This product can effectively remove stains from clothes. (这个产品可以有效地去除衣服上的污渍。)

3. 作为名词,remove可以指“移动”、“搬迁”的行为,也可以指“开除”、“解雇”的结果。:

- The removal of the old building was completed last month. (旧建筑物的拆除工作上个月已完成。)

- The company announced the removal of several employees due to budget cuts. (由于预算削减,公司宣布解雇了几名员工。)


1. He was removed from his position as CEO due to his involvement in a financial scandal. (由于卷入财务丑闻,他被免去了CEO职位。)

2. Please remove your hands from the table while we pray. (请在我们祈祷时把手从桌子上拿开。)

3. The dentist will need to remove your wisdom tooth as it is causing you pain. (牙医需要拔掉你的智齿,因为它让你感到疼痛。)

4. The government has decided to remove all restrictions on travel to the country. (决定取消所有前往该国旅行的限制。)

5. She used a special cream to remove the scar on her face. (她用一种特殊的霜来去除脸上的疤痕。)


1. Take away: 意思相似,指从某处移走某物或某人。

2. Eliminate: 意思相似,指消除或清除某物或某人。

3. Dismiss: 意思相似,指解散、免职或开除某人。

4. Extract: 意思相似,指从某物中取出或提取某物。

5. Relocate: 意思相似,指将某物或某人从一个地方搬迁到另一个地方。




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