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regrettable什么意思? regrettable翻译(中文文):可叹的,

怎么读(音标): [rɪˈɡretəbəl]

regrettable什么意思? regrettable翻译(中文文):可叹的,

用法: 形容词,意为“令人遗憾的”、“可惜的”,常用于表示某件事情或情况不如预期或希望的结果。


1. It is regrettable that the company has decided to lay off a significant number of employees. (很遗憾,公司决定裁掉大量员工。)

2. The accident was a regrettable incident that could have been prevented if proper safety measures were taken. (这起事故是一件令人遗憾的,如果采取了适当的安全措施就可以避免。)

3. It is regrettable that the government has not taken any action to address the issue of air pollution. (令人遗憾的是,没有采取任何行动来解决空气污染问题。)

4. The team's loss in the final game was regrettable, but they had put up a good fight throughout the tournament. (球队在决赛中的失利是可惜的,但他们在整个比赛中都打出了精彩表现。)

5. It is regrettable to see such a talented musician wasting his potential due to substance abuse. (看到一位如此有才华的音乐家因为滥用药物而浪费了自己的潜力,真是令人惋惜。)

同义词及用法: unfortunate, lamentable, deplorable, unfortunate, pitiable


编辑总结: regrettable是一个常用的形容词,意为“令人遗憾的”、“可惜的”,通常用来描述某件事情或情况不如预期或希望的结果。它可以与其他一些具有相似含义的词语来替换使用,但在语气上可能略有不同。在写作时,我们应该根据具体语境选择合适的词汇来表达自己想要表达的意思。


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