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一:reflector是什么意思,reflector的解释 的意思是反射器或反光镜,指能够反射光线的物体或装置。





1. The reflector on the bike helped to increase visibility at night. 自行车上的反光镜在夜间有助于提高可见性。

2. The satellite uses a reflector to bounce signals back to Earth. 这颗卫星利用一个反射器将信号反弹回地球。

3. The photographer used a reflector to direct the light onto the subject's face. 摄影师使用了一个反光板将光线照射到被摄者的脸上。

4. The car's headlights reflected off the wet road, making it difficult to see. 汽车的前灯在湿滑的路面上反射,让人难以看清道路。

5. The mirror-like surface of the lake acted as a natural reflector for the sunlight. 湖水表面如同镜子般自然地将阳光反射出来。

五:同义词及用法:reflective (adj.) 表示“反射的”、“反映的”,常用来形容具有反射能力的物体或表面。:

- The reflective surface of the building made it difficult to take photos without glare. 建筑物反光的表面让拍照时很难避免光线反射。

- The car's reflective paint helped it blend in with the surroundings. 汽车上的反光漆让它融入周围环境。

reflection (n.) 表示“反射”、“映射”,通常指光线、声音等被物体反弹或折射后产生的效果。:

- The reflection of the moon on the lake was breathtakingly beautiful. 月光在湖面上的倒影美得令人惊叹。

- The sound of their laughter echoed through the empty hallway, creating a strange reflection. 他们笑声在空旷的走廊里回荡,产生出奇特的回声。



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