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reduction什么意思? reduction翻译(中文文):减少, 缩影,


reduction什么意思? reduction翻译(中文文):减少, 缩影,


1. reduction作为名词,可以表示减少或者降低的过程。

例句:The company is planning a reduction in staff to cut costs. (公司计划裁员以降低成本。)

2. reduction也可以表示减少后的数量或程度。

例句:There has been a significant reduction in crime rates in the past year. (去年犯罪率有显著下降。)

3. 在化学领域,reduction指的是氧化还原反应中氧原子的减少。

例句:The process of photosynthesis involves the reduction of carbon dioxide into glucose. (光合作用过程中将二氧化碳还原为葡萄糖。)


1. decrease:指数量、程度或大小的减少。

例句:There has been a decrease in the number of students attending college this year. (今年大学就读学生人数有所减少。)

2. cutback:指削减开支、资源或活动。

例句:The government announced cutbacks in education spending due to budget constraints. (因预算限制宣布削减教育开支。)

3. decline:指数量、价值或质量的下降。

例句:There has been a decline in the quality of products produced by this company. (这家公司生产的产品质量有所下降。)

4. diminution:指数量、程度或价值的减少。

例句:The diminution of resources has led to a decrease in productivity. (资源的减少导致生产力下降。)

5. shrinkage:指数量、规模或价值的缩小。

例句:The shrinkage of the population in rural areas has led to a decline in the demand for agricultural products. (农村人口的减少导致对农产品需求量下降。)




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