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redesign什么意思? redesign翻译(中文文):重新设计, 重


redesign什么意思? redesign翻译(中文文):重新设计, 重


例句1:The company decided to redesign their logo to appeal to a younger audience. (公司决定重新设计他们的标志以吸引年轻受众。)

例句2:The architect had to redesign the building plans after receiving feedback from the client. (建筑师在收到客户反馈后不得不重新设计建筑图纸。)

例句3:The team is working hard to redesign the website for a better user experience. (团队正在努力重新设计网站,以提供更好的用户体验。)

例句4:The designer was asked to redesign the packaging for the product launch. (设计师被要求为产品发布重新设计包装。)

例句5:After many failed attempts, they finally managed to redesign the product and make it more user-friendly. (经过多次失败尝试,他们终于成功地重新设计了产品,使其更加用户友好。)


1. Revamp: 重大改变或改进,通常指对整体进行重新调整。

例句:The company has decided to revamp its marketing strategy in order to attract more customers. (公司决定重大改变其营销策略,以吸引更多客户。)

2. Renovate: 对旧物进行修复或翻新。

例句:They are planning to renovate their old house and turn it into a modern office space. (他们计划对旧房子进行翻新,将其改建为现代化的办公空间。)

3. Remodel: 对建筑物或房屋进行重新设计或改造。

例句:The restaurant has been remodeled to create a more open and inviting atmosphere. (餐厅已经重新设计,营造出更加开放和吸引人的氛围。)

4. Overhaul: 对机器、设备或进行全面的检修和修复。

例句:The car needs an overhaul after being driven for over 100,000 miles. (这辆车在行驶10万英里后需要全面检修。)




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