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rectify什么意思? rectify翻译(中文文):矫正, 调整, 精


rectify什么意思? rectify翻译(中文文):矫正, 调整, 精



1. The company is taking measures to rectify the mistake made in the last report. 公司正在采取措施纠正上一份报告中的错误。

2. We need to rectify our behavior and apologize for our mistakes. 我们需要改正我们的行为并为我们的错误道歉。

3. It's important to rectify any misunderstandings before they cause bigger problems. 在误解造成更大问题之前,及时纠正是很重要的。

4. The government has promised to rectify the issues with the healthcare system. 承诺要解决医疗存在的问题。

5. She decided to rectify her diet and start eating healthier foods. 她决定改善自己的饮食习惯,开始吃更健康的食物。


1. Correct: 指通过改变或修复来使某事物符合正确标准。:We need to correct these mistakes before submitting the final draft.

2. Amend: 指通过修改或改进来改善某事物。:The contract needs to be amended before it can be signed.

3. Remedy: 指通过补救措施来解决问题。:The government is working on a remedy for the economic crisis.

4. Fix: 指通过修复来解决问题。:I need to fix my car before I can drive it again.

5. Revise: 指通过重新审查或修改来改进某事物。:The students were asked to revise their essays before submitting them.




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