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rationalize是什么意思? rationalize翻译(中文文):合理


rationalize是什么意思? rationalize翻译(中文文):合理




1. He tried to rationalize his decision, but it still didn't make sense to me. 他试图合理解释他的决定,但对我来说仍然不合理。

2. The company needs to rationalize its production process in order to reduce costs. 公司需要合理化生产流程以降低成本。

3. She tried to rationalize her behavior by saying that she was under a lot of stress. 她试图用她压力很大来解释她的行为。

4. The government is trying to rationalize the tax system in order to make it fairer for everyone. 正在努力合理化税收制度,以使其对每个人都更公平。

5. It's important for us to constantly reflect on our actions and rationalize our decisions in order to grow and improve ourselves. 我们重要的是要经常反思我们的行为并合理解释我们的决定,以便成长和改善自己。


justify:表示为某事物提供充分的理由或证明其正确性。:He tried to justify his actions, but no one believed him.

explain:表示解释某事物或原因。:She explained her absence by saying that she was sick.

make sense:表示有道理或合理。:Her argument didn't make sense to me.

rational:表示合理的,符合逻辑的。:We need to come up with a rational solution to this problem.


rationalize是一个动词,表示使合理化,理性化。它可以用来描述对某件事情进行解释、说明或者提供充分的理由来使其变得合乎逻辑。它的同义词包括justify、explain、make sense和rational,但每个词都有不同的用法和含义。在日常生活中,我们需要不断反思自己的行为并合理解释我们的决定,以便成长和改善自己。同时,在工作中也需要合理化流程和决策,以提高效率和降低成本。


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