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一:rainstorm是什么意思,rainstorm的解释 的意思是指一场强烈的降雨,通常伴随着强风和雷电。


二:怎么读(音标) rainstorm的音标为/ˈreɪnˌstɔːrm/,其中“rain”发音为/reɪn/,“storm”发音为/stɔːrm/。

三:用法 rainstorm是一个名词,用来描述一场强烈的降雨。它可以作为主语或宾语出现在句子中。


1. The rainstorm last night was so strong that it caused flooding in the streets. 昨晚的暴风雨非常强烈,导致街道被淹。

2. We had to cancel our picnic plans because of the unexpected rainstorm. 由于突然来临的暴风雨,我们不得不取消了野餐计划。

3. The rainstorm brought much-needed water to the drought-stricken area. 这场暴风雨给干旱地区带来了急需的水。

4. The thunder and lightning during the rainstorm scared my dog and he hid under the bed. 暴风雨期间的雷电吓坏了我的狗,它躲在床底下。

5. Don't forget to bring an umbrella with you, there's a chance of a rainstorm later. 别忘了带把伞,后面可能会下暴风雨。


1. downpour (名词) - 一场大雨,通常指持续时间较短但降雨量很大的雨。:We got caught in a sudden downpour and got completely drenched. 我们被突然来临的倾盆大雨淋湿了。

2. shower (名词) - 一场短暂的降雨,通常指小雨或阵雨。:I'll wait for the shower to pass before going out for a walk. 我会等阵雨过去再出去散步。

3. deluge (名词) - 暴风雨,通常指非常强烈的降水。:The deluge caused massive flooding in the city. 这场暴风雨导致城市发生了大规模洪水。

4. tempest (名词) - 暴风,通常指非常强烈的风。:The tempest knocked down trees and power lines in our neighborhood. 那场暴风在我们社区吹倒了树木和电线。

5. monsoon (名词) - 季风,通常指印度次大陆和东南亚地区的季节性强降水。:The monsoon season brings heavy rainstorms to this region every year. 每年季风季节都会给这个地区带来大量的暴雨。




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