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quieter什么意思? quieter翻译(中文文):防音装置,内燃机



quieter的音标为[kwʌɪətər],其中“qu”发[ kw ]音, “ie”发[ ɪ ]音, “e”发[ ə ]音, “r”发[ r ]音。

quieter什么意思? quieter翻译(中文文):防音装置,内燃机


1.作为形容词使用时,quieter通常用来描述某物的声音更加轻微、柔和或低沉。:The quieter hum of the new air conditioner is much more pleasant than the loud buzzing of the old one.(新空调更轻柔的嗡鸣声比旧空调的大嗡嗡声要舒服得多。)

2.作为名词使用时,quieter指代一种防止噪音传播的装置。:The quieter in the bedroom helps me sleep better at night.(卧室里的防音装置帮助我晚上睡得更好。)

3.quieter也可以用作副词,表示比较级“更安静地”。:She spoke quieter so as not to disturb the sleeping baby.(她说话声小些以免吵醒睡着的宝宝。)


1. The library is usually much quieter on weekdays than on weekends.(图书馆平时比周末安静得多。)

2. I prefer to live in a quieter neighborhood, away from the hustle and bustle of the city.(我更喜欢住在一个安静的社区,远离城市的喧嚣。)

3. The teacher asked the students to speak quieter during the test.(老师要求学生们在考试期间说话要小声些。)

4. After a long day at work, I like to relax in my room with some music playing at a quieter volume.(工作了一整天后,我喜欢在房间里放着音乐放松一下,音量要小些。)

5. The park is much quieter now that the children have gone home for the day.(孩子们回家后,公园现在安静多了。)


1. Silent:指完全没有声音或噪音。

例句:The silent night was only broken by the sound of crickets chirping.


2. Peaceful:指平静、宁静的环境或状态。

例句:I love taking walks in the peaceful countryside, away from the noise of the city.


3. Calm:指平静、稳定的状态,也可以形容人的情绪。

例句:The ocean was calm and the water was as still as glass.


4. Hushed:指非常安静的环境,通常是因为某种原因而保持安静。

例句:The whole room fell into a hushed silence when the teacher walked in.





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