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1.sacking是指解雇或解除某人的工作职务。:The company announced the sacking of its CEO due to financial misconduct. (该公司宣布因财务不当行为解雇其首席执行官。)

2.sacking也可以指用麻袋等材料制作的袋子。:The farmer filled the sacking with potatoes from his harvest. (农民用自己收获的土豆装满了麻袋。)

3.sacking还可以指一种粗糙的布料,通常用于制作家具或包装物品。:The furniture was covered in a rough sacking material. (家具上覆盖着一种粗糙的布料。)

4.sacking也可以指一种足球运动员在比赛中防守时使用的动作,即抢断球员持球并将球带走。:The defender made a perfect sacking and stole the ball from the opposing team. (后卫完成了一次完美的抢断,从对方队伍手中夺得了球。)

5.sacking也可以指一种在野外露营时使用的睡袋,通常由防水材料制成。:We packed our sacking and headed out for a weekend camping trip. (我们收拾好睡袋,准备去进行周末露营旅行。)



1. The sacking of the CEO caused a stir in the company. (sækɪŋ)

2. The farmer used sacking to store his crops. (sækɪŋ)

3. The furniture was covered in rough sacking material. (sækɪŋ)

4. The defender made a perfect sacking and stole the ball from the opposing team. (sækɪŋ)

5. We packed our sacking and headed out for a weekend camping trip. (sækɪŋ)


1. The company's decision to announce the sacking of its CEO was met with mixed reactions from employees.


2. After multiple warnings, the employee was finally given his sacking notice for repeatedly violating company policies.


3. The thieves used a large sacking to carry away all of the stolen goods from the store.


4. The designer used a unique type of sacking material to create one-of-a-kind handbags.


5. The football player's sacking skills were unmatched, making him a valuable asset to the team.



1. sacking notice (解雇通知)

2. sacking material (麻袋材料)

3. sacking motion (抢断动作)

4. sacking skills (抢断技巧)

5. sacking employee (被解雇的员工)


1.sacking是指解雇或解除某人的工作职务。:The company announced the sacking of its CEO due to financial misconduct. (该公司宣布因财务不当行为解雇其首席执行官。)

2.sacking也可以指用麻袋等材料制作的袋子。:The farmer filled the sacking with potatoes from his harvest. (农民用自己收获的土豆装满了麻袋。)

3.sacking还可以指一种粗糙的布料,通常用于制作家具或包装物品。:The furniture was covered in a rough sacking material. (家具上覆盖着一种粗糙的布料。)

4.sacking也可以指一种足球运动员在比赛中防守时使用的动作,即抢断球员持球并将球带走。:The defender made a perfect sacking and stole the ball from the opposing team. (后卫完成了一次完美的抢断,从对方队伍手中夺得了球。)

5.sacking也可以指一种在野外露营时使用的睡袋,通常由防水材料制成。:We packed our sacking and headed out for a weekend camping trip. (我们收拾好睡袋,准备去进行周末露营旅行。)

6.sacking notice是指解雇通知。

7.sacking material是指麻袋材料。

8.sacking motion是指抢断动作。

9.sacking skills是指抢断技巧。

10.sacking employee是指被解雇的员工。




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