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query什么意思? query翻译(中文文):质问, 询问, 怀疑 hellip



query什么意思? query翻译(中文文):质问, 询问, 怀疑 hellip


1. He raised a query about the accuracy of the data. (他对数据的准确性提出了质疑。)

2. I have a query about the new policy. (我对这项新有疑问。)

3. She queried whether he was telling the truth. (她怀疑他是否在说真话。)

4. The teacher asked me to query any unfamiliar words in the text. (老师要求我在阅读文本时查询任何不熟悉的单词。)

5. The detective queried the suspect for hours before getting any useful information. (侦探询问嫌疑人数小时后才得到有用的信息。)

同义词及用法:question, inquire, doubt, suspicion

question: 通常指对某事物提出问题或询问信息。

例句:She questioned the validity of his argument. (她质疑他的论点是否有效。)

inquire: 多指正式或谨慎地询问某事物。

例句:The journalist inquired about the source of the information before publishing it. (记者在发布信息前询问了信息来源。)

doubt: 指对某事物持怀疑态度,不确定是否为真。

例句:I doubt his ability to finish the project on time. (我怀疑他能否按时完成这个项目。)

suspicion: 指对某事物持有怀疑或不信任的感觉。

例句:There was a suspicion that the witness was lying. (有人怀疑证人在撒谎。)

编辑总结:query是一个多义词,既可以作为名词也可以作为动词使用。作为名词时,指询问、质问或怀疑的动作或过程;作为动词时,指询问、质问或怀疑某事物。它可以与question, inquire, doubt, suspicion等词替换使用,但在具体语境中含义可能有所不同。在写作中要注意根据具体语境选择合适的同义词来表达自己的意思。


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