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pushback是什么意思? pushback翻译(中文文):飞机推迟起

一:pushback是什么意思? pushback翻译(中文文):飞机推迟起的意思是指飞机在起飞前或降落后被迫推迟起飞或降落的情况。




1. The flight was delayed due to pushback from the airport authorities. 由于机场管理部门的推迟,航班被延误了。

pushback是什么意思? pushback翻译(中文文):飞机推迟起

2. The pilot announced that there would be a pushback of 30 minutes due to bad weather conditions. 飞行员宣布由于恶劣天气条件,将会有30分钟的推迟。

3. The plane experienced a pushback of one hour due to technical issues. 飞机因技术问题而遭遇了一个小时的推迟。

4. Passengers were informed that the flight would undergo a pushback of 45 minutes due to air traffic congestion. 乘客们被告知由于空中交通拥挤,航班将会有45分钟的推迟。

5. The flight finally took off after experiencing multiple pushbacks throughout the day. 经历了一整天多次推迟后,航班终于起飞了。

五:同义词及用法:delay,postpone,reschedule,defer都可以作为pushback的同义词使用。:The flight was delayed/postponed/rescheduled/deferred due to bad weather conditions. 飞机由于恶劣天气条件而被推迟。



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