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push back是什么意思,push back的翻译,push back音标、读

一:push back是什么意思

push back是什么意思,push back的翻译,push back音标、读

push back是一个动词短语,意为“推迟,推后”,常用于形容计划、或的延迟。也可以指、反对或抗拒某种想法或行为。


[ pʊʃ bæk ]


1. 作为及物动词,表示“推迟,推后”:

We have to push back the meeting to next week due to some unexpected circumstances. (由于一些意外情况,我们不得不将推迟到下周。)

2. 作为不及物动词,表示“,反对”:

The local residents are pushing back against the construction of a new highway. (当地居民正在新公路的建设。)

3. 可以用作名词,表示“延期”:

The push back of the project has caused a lot of inconvenience for the team. (项目的延期给团队带来了很多不便。)


1. The deadline for the report has been pushed back by two weeks.


2. The government is facing strong pushback from the public on their new policy.


3. We need to push back our vacation plans due to the current situation.


4. The company's decision to cut salaries has been met with a lot of pushback from the employees.


5. The push back from the opposition party has caused delays in passing the new bill.



1. postpone:意为“推迟”,与push back同义,但更正式一些。

2. delay:意为“延迟”,强调原计划时间被延后。

3. resist:意为“”,与push back同义,但更强调抗拒和反对。

4. oppose:意为“反对”,与push back同义,但更正式一些。

5. put off:意为“推迟”,与push back同义,但更口语化。


push back是一个常用的动词短语,可以表示“推迟”、“”等含义。在日常生活中,我们经常会用到这个短语来描述一些计划或的延迟情况,也可以用来表达对某种想法或行为的反对。同时,它还可以作为名词使用,表示“延期”。除了以上提到的同义词外,还可以根据具体语境使用相应的动词来表达类似的意思。总之,熟练掌握push back的用法可以让我们在英语交流中更加地灵活自如。


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