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public speaking的翻译解释和例句-抓鸟(中文意思,文

Public Speaking(公众演讲)是指在大众面前讲话或表达观点的能力。它是一种重要的沟通技巧,可以帮助人们有效地传达信息、影响他人和建立自信。公众演讲是社交和职业生涯中必不可少的技能,它可以帮助人们在各种场合中表现出色,包括商务、学术研讨会、媒体采访、社区活动等。

怎么读:[ˈpʌblɪk ˈspiːkɪŋ]

用法:作为一个名词,public speaking通常指的是一种能力或技能。它也可以用作动词,表示进行公众演讲的行为。

public speaking的翻译解释和例句-抓鸟(中文意思,文


1. Public speaking is an essential skill for anyone who wants to succeed in their career.


2. She has been practicing public speaking for years and is now a confident and engaging speaker.


3. The students were nervous about their first public speaking assignment, but with practice, they improved their skills.


4. The politician's public speaking skills helped him win over the crowd and gain their support.


5. Public speaking is not just about delivering a speech, it's also about connecting with your audience.


同义词及用法:公众演讲的同义词包括oral presentation、speech、presentation等。它们都指的是在大众面前表达观点或传达信息的能力。可以用以下句子来替换例句中的public speaking:

1. She has been practicing oral presentations for years and is now a confident and engaging speaker.

2. The students were nervous about their first speech assignment, but with practice, they improved their skills.

3. The politician's presentation skills helped him win over the crowd and gain their support.

4. Oral presentations are not just about delivering a speech, they also involve connecting with your audience.

编辑总结:公众演讲是一种重要的沟通技巧,它可以帮助人们有效地传达信息、影响他人和建立自信。作为一个名词,public speaking指的是一种能力或技能,在日常生活中我们经常会用到。它可以帮助我们在各种场合中表现出色,提高自己的职业竞争力。通过练习和不断的实践,我们可以提高自己的公众演讲能力,并在社交和职业生涯中取得更大的成功。


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