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shed是什么意思? shed的用法和例句

1. shed是指一个小型的简易建筑物,通常用来存放工具、材料或者作为仓库。:I keep my gardening tools in the shed at the back of the garden.(我把我的园艺工具放在花园后面的小屋里。)

2. shed也可以指动物棚,特别是用来养鸡或者养牛的棚屋。:The farmer built a new shed for his cows to shelter them from the rain.(农民为他的牛建了一座新的棚子,让它们避雨。)

3. shed还可以指自然界中生长在树木上的叶子、花朵或者果实等的脱落物。:The trees in our backyard are shedding their leaves in autumn.(我们后院的树在秋天会落叶。)

4. 在技术领域,shed也有“减少”、“脱落”的意思,特别是指电力中电流或压力的减少。:The power plant is designed to shed excess electricity during peak hours.(这个发电厂被设计成在高峰时段能够减少多余的电力。)

5. shed还可以指“摆脱”、“抛弃”的意思,在这种情况下通常和不需要或者不想要某样东西有关。:He decided to shed his old habits and start a healthier lifestyle.(他决定抛弃旧习惯,开始过健康的生活方式。)




1. The company plans to shed 100 jobs in order to cut costs.(公司计划裁掉100个职位以降低成本。)

2. The snake sheds its skin once a year.(蛇每年蜕皮一次。)

3. She shed tears of joy when she found out she got accepted into her dream university.(当她知道自己被梦想中的大学录取时,她流下了喜悦的眼泪。)

4. The dog sheds a lot of fur in the summer months.(夏天狗会脱很多毛。)

5. The politician is trying to shed his image as a corrupt leader and gain the trust of the people again.(这位家正在努力摆脱他作为一个领导者的形象,重新赢得人民的信任。)


1. tool shed (工具棚)

2. cow shed (牛棚)

3. leaf shed (落叶)

4. power shed (电力减少)

5. weight shed (减肥)

shed是什么意思? shed的用法和例句的中英文对照

1. shed是什么意思?(What does shed mean?)

2. shed的用法和例句解释(Explanation of the usage and examples of shed)

3. shed的读音读法(Pronunciation of shed)

4. shed的用法和例句用例(Examples of the usage and sentences with shed)

5. shed的用法和例句组词(Collocations and phrases with shed)

6. 对整个内容做一个简单的总结(A brief summary of the entire content)



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