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proxy什么意思? proxy翻译(中文文):代理人 hellip



例句1:As the CEO of the company, I have designated John as my proxy to attend the shareholders' meeting on my behalf. (作为公司的CEO,我指定约翰作为我的代理人出席股东大会。)

proxy什么意思? proxy翻译(中文文):代理人 hellip

例句2:The senator was unable to attend the debate, so he sent his proxy to speak on his behalf. (这位参议员无法出席辩论会,所以派遣他的替他发言。)

例句3:I don't have time to go to the bank, can you be my proxy and deposit this check for me? (我没时间去银行,你能不能替我存这张支票?)

例句4:The country's leader is often seen as a mere proxy for the real power behind the scenes. (这个的常被视为幕后真正权力的傀儡。)

例句5:The company uses a proxy server to protect its employees' online activities from being tracked by outside sources. (公司使用代理服务器来保护员工的在线活动不被外部来源跟踪。)

同义词及用法:substitute(n. 代替者,替代物;v. 代替,取代)、representative(n. ,代理人;adj. 性的)、agent(n. 代理商,经纪人;v. 做中介)。



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