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proven什么意思? proven翻译(中文文):prove的过去分词 hellip


proven什么意思? proven翻译(中文文):prove的过去分词 hellip



1. The effectiveness of this treatment has been proven by numerous studies. 这种治疗方法的有效性已被众多研究证明。

2. The suspect's alibi was proven false by CCTV footage. 嫌疑人的 co准确

3. He has proven himself to be a reliable and trustworthy employee. 他已经证明自己是一个可靠、值得信赖的员工。

4. Her theory has yet to be proven, but it has gained a lot of attention from the scientific community. 她的理论尚未被证明,但已引起科学界的广泛关注。

5. The company's success has proven that their business model is effective and profitable. 公司的成功证明了他们的商业模式是有效和有利可图的。

同义词及用法:validated, confirmed, demonstrated, established, verified

编辑总结:proven是prove的过去分词形式,在作为形容词时表示某事物已被证明或确认为真实、可信,作为动词时表示证明某事物的真实性或有效性。它可以用来描述科学理论、假设、方法等是否经过验证和确认,也可以用来形容个人品质和能力是否被证明和认可。同义词包括validated, confirmed, demonstrated, established, verified等,可以根据具体语境选择使用。


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