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propose什么意思? propose翻译(中文文):计划, 建议, 向




1. I propose that we hold the meeting next week. (我建议我们下周开会。)

propose什么意思? propose翻译(中文文):计划, 建议, 向

2. He proposed to his girlfriend on Valentine's Day. (他在情人节向女友求婚。)

3. The government has proposed a new tax policy. (提出了一项新的税收。)

4. She proposed a solution to the problem. (她提出了解决问题的方案。)

5. The committee proposed changes to the company's policies. (提议修改公司的。)

同义词及用法:suggest(建议)、intend(打算)、offer(提供)、put forward(提出)

1. I suggest that we hold the meeting next week.

2. He intends to propose to his girlfriend on Valentine's Day.

3. The government is offering a new tax policy.

4. She put forward a solution to the problem.


Propose是一个多义词,可以表示提出计划、建议或打算,也可以表示求婚。它的同义词有suggest、intend、offer和put forward,但每个词都有自己的特定用法,需要根据具体语境选择恰当的词汇。在使用propose时,需要注意区分其不同含义,并且根据句子结构和语境选择适当的时态和语态。


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