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promising什么意思? promising翻译(中文文):有希望的,



例句1:His performance in the training camp was very promising, and the coach believes he will be a key player for the team this season. (他在训练营的表现非常有希望,教练相信他将成为本赛季球队的关键球员。)

promising什么意思? promising翻译(中文文):有希望的,

例句2:The new technology shows promising results in treating cancer, giving hope to many patients. (这项新技术在治疗癌症方面显示出了很好的效果,给许多患者带来了希望。)

例句3:Despite a slow start, the young entrepreneur's business is now very promising and has attracted many investors. (尽管起步较慢,这位年轻企业家的生意现在非常有前途,并吸引了许多投资者。)

例句4:The government has implemented some promising policies to boost the economy, and the results are starting to show. (已经实施了一些有前途的来促进经济发展,结果开始显现。)

例句5:She has a promising future ahead of her with her talent and hard work. (凭借她的才华和努力,她前途光明。)


这些同义词都可以用来形容有前途的、有希望的事物或人,但promising更强调前景光明、有潜力。:The company's future looks promising, with its new product line and growing customer base. (随着新产品线和不断增长的客户群,公司的未来看起来很有前途。)



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