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prodigy什么意思? prodigy翻译(中文文):惊人的事物, 天

怎么读(音标):['ˈprɑdədʒi', 'ˈprɒdədʒi']

prodigy什么意思? prodigy翻译(中文文):惊人的事物, 天



1. He was a child prodigy, playing the piano at the age of five. 他是一个神童,五岁就能弹钢琴。

2. She is considered a prodigy in the field of mathematics, having solved complex equations at a young age. 她被认为是数学领域的奇才,年轻时就解决了复杂的方程式。

3. The young athlete is being hailed as a prodigy for his exceptional skills on the basketball court. 这位年轻运动员因其在篮球场上出色的技巧而被誉为神童。

4. Mozart was a musical prodigy, composing his first symphony at the age of eight. 莫扎特是一个音乐天才,八岁时就创作了他的第一支交响乐。

5. Despite her young age, she has already been recognized as a prodigy in the world of science for her groundbreaking research. 尽管年纪还小,但她已经因为开创性的研究在科学界被认可为奇才。

同义词及用法:genius (天才), wonder (奇迹), marvel (令人惊讶的事物)



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