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1. processor [noun] - a device or program that performs a specific task, especially one that processes data in a computer.



Usage: The processor is responsible for executing instructions and performing calculations in a computer system.

Example sentence:

1. The latest Intel processor is faster and more efficient than its predecessors. (最新的英特尔处理器比之前的产品更快更高效。)

Synonyms: CPU, central processing unit, microprocessor

Usage: These terms are often used interchangeably with "processor" to refer to the main component of a computer that performs calculations and controls the system.

2. processor [noun] - a person or company that processes raw materials or ingredients into finished products.


Usage: The food processor is responsible for turning fruits and vegetables into smoothies.

Example sentence:

2. The textile factory has invested in new processors to increase production efficiency. (纺织厂已经投资购买了新的加工设备,以提高生产效率。)

Synonyms: manufacturer, producer, converter

Usage: These terms can be used to describe companies or individuals who transform raw materials into usable products.

3. processor [adjective] - relating to the process of transforming or converting something.


Usage: This is an important step in the processor chain.

Example sentence:

3. The data will go through several processor stages before it can be analyzed. (数据在被分析之前需要经过多个加工步骤。)

Synonyms: processing, converting, transforming

Usage: These words can be used interchangeably with "processor" when describing the action of changing something from one form to another.

4. processor [noun] - a person or company that handles financial transactions for another entity.


Usage: The credit card processor is responsible for verifying and authorizing transactions.

Example sentence:

4. The online store uses a secure payment processor to protect customer information. (这家网店使用安全的支付来保护顾客的信息。)

Synonyms: payment processor, transaction handler, financial intermediary

Usage: These terms can be used to describe companies that facilitate financial transactions and handle sensitive information.

5. processor [noun] - a device or program that converts input into output.


Usage: The audio processor enhances sound quality by adjusting levels and frequencies.

Example sentence:

5. The graphic design software comes with advanced image processors for editing and manipulating photos. (这款图形设计软件配备了先进的图像处理器,用于编辑和处理照片。)

Synonyms: converter, transformer, enhancer

Usage: These words can be used to describe devices or programs that modify input in order to produce desired output.

Editor's summary:

Processor is a versatile word with multiple meanings and uses. It can refer to a device or program that performs specific tasks, a person or company that transforms raw materials into finished products, an adjective describing the process of converting something, a financial transaction handler, or a device or program that converts input into output. Its synonyms include CPU, manufacturer, processing, payment processor, and converter. As an editor of this dictionary entry, it is important to provide clear definitions and examples for each usage of the word in order to assist readers in understanding its various meanings. Additionally, using relevant synonyms can help expand readers' vocabulary and understanding of the word.


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