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二:怎么读(音标):prepared [prɪˈperd]




1. She was well prepared for the job interview and impressed the interviewer with her knowledge and skills. 她为面试做好了充分准备,展示出她的知识和技能给面试官留下了深刻印象。

2. The team prepared a detailed plan before starting the project to ensure its success. 在开始项目之前,团队制定了详细的计划来确保项目顺利进行。

3. He always keeps a first aid kit in his car, just in case of emergencies. 他总是在车里备有急救箱,以防万一。

4. The chef prepared a delicious meal for us using fresh ingredients from the local market. 厨师用当地市场新鲜的食材为我们准备了一顿美味的餐点。

5. The students were not prepared for the difficult exam and many of them failed. 学生们没有做好应对难题考试的准备,导致很多人都考试不及格。

五:同义词及用法:ready, equipped, primed, set, organized

1. ready: 指做好准备,随时可以开始或做某事。例句:The team is ready to start the game. (队伍已经做好了开始比赛的准备。)

2. equipped: 指具备所需物品或技能以应对某种情况。例句:The hikers were well equipped for their journey with tents and food. (徒步旅行者们带着帐篷和食物来应对旅程。)

3. primed: 指事先提供必要的信息或知识,使某人做好准备。例句:The students were primed with all the necessary information before taking the test. (学生们在参加考试前都得到了必要的信息。)

4. set: 指准备好并安排好一切,随时可以开始进行某项活动。例句:The stage is set for the performance to begin. (舞台已经为表演做好了准备。)

5. organized: 指有条理地安排和准备事物,以便顺利进行。例句:The event was well organized and everything went smoothly. (活动组织得井井有条,一切都顺利进行。)



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