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1. rotten是指腐烂的,腐朽的。在词典中,rotten通常作形容词使用,用来形容物品或食物等因长时间存放而变质、发霉、变坏的状态。它可以表示不新鲜、不健康、不可靠等含义。

2. 读音:[ˈrɒtən],英式发音为[rɒtn],美式发音为[ˈrɑːtən]。

3. 用例:

- The apples in the basket were all rotten and had to be thrown away.(篮子里的苹果都腐烂了,必须扔掉。)

- The meat smelled rotten, so I decided not to buy it.(肉闻起来很臭,所以我决定不买了。)

- The politician's promises were all rotten and people no longer trusted him.(政客的承诺都是虚假的,人们不再信任他。)

- The school's reputation was ruined by the scandal, and now it's known as a rotten institution.(学校因丑闻而声誉扫地,现在被称为一个的。)

- The weather was so hot that the fruit on the ground became rotten quickly.(天气太热了,地上的水果很快就变质了。)

4. 组词:rottenness (n.) 腐朽;rottenly (adv.) 腐烂地;rottenness (adj.) 腐烂的;rottenness (v.) 使腐烂。

5. 中英文对照:

- rotten: 腐烂的,腐朽的

- read: [ˈrɒtən],英式发音为[rɒtn],美式发音为[ˈrɑːtən]

- 用例:

- The apples in the basket were all rotten and had to be thrown away.(篮子里的苹果都腐烂了,必须扔掉。)

- The meat smelled rotten, so I decided not to buy it.(肉闻起来很臭,所以我决定不买了。)

- The politician's promises were all rotten and people no longer trusted him.(政客的承诺都是虚假的,人们不再信任他。)

- The school's reputation was ruined by the scandal, and now it's known as a rotten institution.(学校因丑闻而声誉扫地,现在被称为一个的。)

- The weather was so hot that the fruit on the ground became rotten quickly.(天气太热了,地上的水果很快就变质了。)

- 组词:

- rottenness (n.) 腐朽

- rottenly (adv.) 腐烂地

- rottenness (adj.) 腐烂的

- rottenness (v.) 使腐烂

6. 总结:rotten是一个形容词,它通常用来形容物品或食物等因长时间存放而变质、发霉、变坏的状态。它可以表示不新鲜、不健康、不可靠等含义。在日常生活中,我们经常会用到这个词来形容食物、水果、肉类等是否新鲜,也可以用来形容人的品德或行为是否可信。此外,rotten也可以作为动词使用,表示使腐烂。通过对rotten的解释和用例,我们可以更好地理解和使用这个词。


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