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possible什么意思? possible翻译(中文文):可能的, 可能



例句1:It is possible that the meeting will be postponed due to bad weather. (可能因天气原因而推迟。)

例句2:It is possible for us to finish this project on time if we work together. (如果我们一起合作,我们有可能按时完成这个项目。)

possible什么意思? possible翻译(中文文):可能的, 可能

例句3:It is not possible for me to attend the party tomorrow as I have a prior engagement. (我明天不可能参加派对,因为我有其他约会。)

例句4:There is a possible solution to this problem, but it will require more research. (这个问题可能有一个解决方案,但需要更多的研究。)

例句5:It is possible that he has already left for his trip, so I can't confirm his availability for the meeting. (他可能已经出发旅行了,所以我无法确认他是否能参加。)


1. Potential: 潜在的,有可能的。

例句:There is a potential risk in investing in this company. (在这家公司投资存在潜在风险。)

2. Feasible: 可行的,可实施的。

例句:We need to come up with a feasible plan to increase our sales. (我们需要制定一个可行的计划来增加销售额。)

3. Likely: 很可能的。

例句:It is likely that she will be promoted to manager next month. (很可能她下个月会被提升为经理。)




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