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pose什么意思? pose翻译(中文文):姿势, 姿态, 摆好 hellip


pose什么意思? pose翻译(中文文):姿势, 姿态, 摆好 hellip

怎么读(音标): [poʊz]

用法: pose可以作为动词或名词使用。作为动词时,它的意思是“摆出姿势”、“装模作样”、“提出问题”等。作为名词时,它可以指代某人或某物的姿势、姿态、问题等。


1. She posed for a photo with her arms crossed and a serious expression on her face. (她摆出双臂交叉、脸上带着严肃表情为照片拍摄。)

2. The statue poses a great challenge to the sculptor because of its complex design. (这座雕像因其复杂的设计给雕塑家带来了巨大挑战。)

3. The journalist posed some tough questions to the politician during the interview. (记者在采访中向家提出了一些棘手的问题。)

4. The model struck a pose on the runway, showing off the designer's latest collection. (模特在T台上摆出姿势,展示设计师最新的服装系列。)

5. The suspect was asked to pose for a mugshot before being taken into custody. (嫌疑人在被拘留前被要求摆姿势拍一张嫌疑犯照片。)

同义词及用法: 作为动词,pose的同义词包括present, exhibit, display等,意思都是“展示”、“表现”。作为名词,它的同义词有posture, attitude, stance等,意思也都是“姿势”、“姿态”。

编辑总结: pose这个词既可以作为动词也可以作为名词使用,通常用来描述人或物体的姿势、姿态、问题等。它的同义词包括present, exhibit, posture等,可以根据具体语境选择使用。在写作中,我们应该注意使用准确的动词和名词来表达想要表达的含义。


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