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一:portray是什么意思,portray的解释 的意思是描绘、描述或扮演的意思。





1. She portrayed the main character in the play with great emotion. 她充满感情地扮演了这部戏剧中的主角。

2. The artist portrayed the beauty of nature in his paintings. 这位艺术家用他的画作展现了大自然的美景。

3. The media often portrays celebrities as perfect and flawless. 媒体经常把名人描绘成完美无缺的形象。

4. The book portrays a vivid picture of life in the 19th century. 这本书生动地描绘了19世纪的生活场景。

5. The politician tried to portray himself as a strong leader during the election campaign. 这位家在竞选期间试图塑造自己为强势。

五:同义词及用法:depict, describe, represent, characterize都可以作为portray的同义词,表示“描绘、描述”。其中,depict和describe更侧重于用文字或图画来描绘,而represent和characterize则更多指通过行为或外表来表现。:

1. The novel depicts the struggles of a young girl in a war-torn country. 这部小说描绘了一个年轻女孩在战乱的生活挣扎。

2. The journalist described the scene of the accident in great detail. 这位记者详细地描述了事故现场。

3. The statue represents the courage and determination of the soldiers. 这座雕像了士们的勇气和决心。

4. His actions characterized him as a selfish and greedy person. 他的行为表明他是一个自私贪婪的人。

六:编辑总结:portray是一个常用的动词,可以用来描述、描绘或扮演某人或某事物。它也可以与其他动词搭配使用,如portray a role(扮演一个角色)、portray an image(塑造一个形象)等。在写作中,可以根据具体语境选择合适的同义词来替换portray,丰富文章表达。


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