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point的音标为 [pɔɪnt]。



1. 名词用法:

a. 表示“点”的意思:

- The pencil has a sharp point.(这支铅笔有一个尖锐的笔尖。)

- The star in the sky is the brightest point.(天空中的那颗星是最亮的那个点。)

b. 表示“小数点”的意思:

- The decimal point is used to separate the whole number from the decimal part.(小数点用于分隔整数部分和小数部分。)

c. 表示“尖端”的意思:

- The needle has a sharp point at one end.(针头一端有一个尖锐的尖端。)

d. 表示“位置”或“方向”的意思:

- Can you show me on the map where this point is?(你能在地图上给我指出这个位置吗?)

- Please point to the correct answer.(请指向正确的答案。)

e. 表示“观点”或“想法”的意思:

- What is your point of view on this issue?(你对这个问题有什么看法?)

- I understand your point, but I still disagree with you.(我理解你的观点,但我仍然不同意你。)

2. 动词用法:

a. 表示“指向”、“指出”的意思:

- The teacher pointed to the map and explained the route.(老师指着地图并解释了路线。)

- The sign on the door points to the restroom.(门上的标志指向洗手间。)

b. 表示“指导”的意思:

- Can you point me in the right direction?(你能给我指个方向吗?)


1. She used a pen to mark the exact point where she wanted to drill the hole.


2. The temperature dropped below freezing point last night.


3. His argument had some valid points, but overall it was unconvincing.


4. Can you point out which one is your favorite painting?


5. The teacher pointed out my mistake and helped me correct it.



1. spot:作为名词时,可以表示“斑点”、“地点”、“职位”等意思;作为动词时,可以表示“”、“认出”等含义。

- I found a spot on my shirt.(我在衬衫上了一个斑点。)

- Can you show me the spot where the accident happened?(你能给我指出事故发生的地点吗?)

- He was offered a spot on the team.(他被提供了一份加入球队的职位。)

- I couldn't spot any difference between the two pictures.(我看不出这两张图片有什么不同。)

2. tip:作为名词时,可以表示“顶端”、“建议”、“小费”等含义;作为动词时,可以表示“翻倒”、“倾斜”、“给小费”等含义。

- The tip of the pencil broke off.(铅笔的尖端断了。)

- Thank you for the tip, I will consider it.(谢谢你的建议,我会考虑的。)

- The waiter received a generous tip from the customers.(服务员从顾客那里得到了慷慨的小费。)

- Be careful not to tip over the vase.(小心别把花瓶弄翻了。)

3. aim:作为名词时,可以表示“目标”、“瞄准”的意思;作为动词时,可以表示“瞄准”、“旨在”等含义。

- My aim is to become a doctor.(我的目标是成为一名医生。)

- He took careful aim and shot the target.(他仔细瞄准并射击了目标。)

- This project aims to improve the living conditions of the local people.(这个项目旨在改善当地人的生活条件。)

4. focus:作为名词时,可以表示“焦点”、“中心”、“聚焦”的意思;作为动词时,可以表示“集中注意力”、“聚焦”等含义。

- The focus of the discussion was on climate change.(讨论的重点是气候变化。)

- The camera automatically adjusts the focus.(相机会自动调节焦距。)

- I need to focus on my studies right now.(我现在需要集中精力学习。)

5. tip-off:作为名词时,可以表示“密报”、“提示”的意思;作为动词时,可以表示“泄露秘密”、“给出提示”等含义。

- The police received a tip-off about the planned robbery.(收到了关于计划抢劫的密报。)

- She tipped off her friend about the surprise party.(她向朋友透露了惊喜派对的计划。)




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