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point at什么意思? point at翻译(中文文):指向 hellip

音标:[pɔɪnt æt]



1. He pointed at the map and explained the route to us.(他指着地图给我们解释路线。)

point at什么意思? point at翻译(中文文):指向 hellip

2. The teacher pointed at the blackboard and asked the students to pay attention.(老师指着黑板让学生注意。)

3. The detective pointed at the suspect and accused him of the crime.(侦探指着嫌疑人并控告他犯罪。)

4. The tour guide pointed at the famous monument and told us its history.(导游指着著名的并告诉我们它的历史。)

5. The soldier pointed his gun at the enemy and prepared to shoot.(士用指向敌人并准备开。)


- indicate:表示,暗示,常用于抽象的概念或者符号。

例句:His behavior indicates that he is not happy with his job.(他的行为表明他对工作不满意。)

- direct:直接地指向,常用于描述目光或者动作。

例句:She directed her gaze towards the beautiful sunset.(她把目光投向美丽的日落。)


point at是一个常用的动词短语,表示指向某个方向或者物体。它可以用于描述手指、武器等动作,也可以用于抽象的概念或者符号。在口语和书面语中都很常见,是一个必须掌握的基础词汇。在使用时要注意与其他类似意思的词语的区别,如indicate和direct。


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