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sheer是一个形容词,意为“纯粹的、完全的、十足的”。它可以用来形容某物具有完全的特性或属性,没有任何杂质或掺杂物。:a sheer cliff(陡峭的悬崖)、a sheer fabric(纯棉面料)。


1. 作为形容词,sheer可以修饰名词,表示强调某物具有纯粹、完全的特性。:The sheer beauty of the landscape took my breath away.(景色之美令我叹为观止)

2. 另外,sheer也可以用来修饰动词,表示动作是完全、彻底地进行。:The car sheered off the road and crashed into a tree.(汽车突然偏离道路并撞上了一棵树)

3. 此外,sheer也可以用来修饰副词或介词短语,表示程度非常高或强烈。:I was sheer exhausted after hiking for hours.(长时间徒步旅行后我感到筋疲力尽)


sheer的读音为 [ʃɪr]。


1. The sheer size of the new shopping mall is overwhelming.(新购物中心的规模之大令人难以置信)

2. She was amazed by the sheer number of people at the concert.(她对音乐会上的人数之多感到惊讶)

3. The sheer force of the hurricane destroyed the entire town.(飓风的强大力量摧毁了整个城镇)

4. I couldn't believe the sheer audacity of his proposal.(他提出的建议如此大胆,让我难以置信)

5. The sheer joy on her face when she saw her birthday surprise was priceless.(当她看到生日惊喜时脸上流露出的喜悦是无价的)


1. sheerness (名词) - 纯粹、完全

2. sheerly (副词) - 完全地、彻底地

3. unadulterated (形容词) - 纯粹的、纯正的




3.sheer is an adjective that means "pure, complete, and absolute".


5.It can be used to describe something that has completely pure characteristics or attributes, without any impurities or mixtures.

6.a sheer cliff(陡峭的悬崖)、a sheer fabric(纯棉面料)。

7.陡峭的悬崖(a sheer cliff)、纯棉面料(a sheer fabric)。


9.How to use sheer correctly?

10.1. 作为形容词,sheer可以修饰名词,表示强调某物具有纯粹、完全的特性。

11.1. As an adjective, sheer can modify a noun, emphasizing that something has pure and complete characteristics.

12.:The sheer beauty of the landscape took my breath away.(景色之美令我叹为观止)

13.For example: The sheer beauty of the landscape took my breath away.

14.2. 另外,sheer也可以用来修饰动词,表示动作是完全、彻底地进行。

15.2. In addition, sheer can also modify verbs to indicate that an action is done completely and thoroughly.

16.:The car sheered off the road and crashed into a tree.(汽车突然偏离道路并撞上了一棵树)

17.For example: The car sheered off the road and crashed into a tree.

18.3. 此外,sheer也可以用来修饰副词或介词短语,表示程度非常高或强烈。

19.3.Furthermore, sheer can also modify adverbs or prepositional phrases to indicate a high or intense degree.

20.For example: I was sheer exhausted after hiking for hours.


22.sheer的读音为 [ʃɪr]。

23.The pronunciation of sheer is [ʃɪr].

24.read音读法 (读音) - pronunciation

25.sheer的读音为 [ʃɪr](sheer's pronunciation is [ʃɪr])。


27.用例 - example

28.1. The sheer size of the new shopping mall is overwhelming.

29.2. She was amazed by the sheer number of people at the concert.

30.3. The sheer force of the hurricane destroyed the entire town.

31.4. I couldn't believe the sheer audacity of his proposal.

32.5. The sheer joy on her face when she saw her birthday surprise was priceless.

33.sheerness (名词) - 纯粹、完全

34.sheerness (noun) - pureness, completeness

35.sheerly (副词) - 完全地、彻底地

36.sheerly (adverb) - completely, thoroughly

37.unadulterated (形容词) - 纯粹的、纯正的

38.unadulterated (adjective) - pure, genuine


40.Sheerness is the noun form of sheer, indicating purity or completeness.


sheer是一个形容词,意为“纯粹的、完全的、十足的”。它可以用来形容某物具有完全的特性或属性,没有任何杂质或掺杂物。作为一个修饰语,它可以修饰名词、动词、副词或介词短语,表示强调程度非常高或强烈。它的读音为 [ʃɪr],可以与其他形容词和副词搭配使用,如sheerness和sheerly。正确使用sheer可以丰富语言表达,使句子更具有感染力和表现力。


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