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1. say是什么意思?的解释


2. say是什么意思?读音读法


3. say是什么意思?的用例

1) She said she was sorry for being late.


2) He didn't say anything, but his expression showed his disapproval.


3) The teacher asked the students to say their names one by one.


4) I can't believe he said such hurtful things to her.


5) Can you say that again? I didn't catch it the first time.


4. say是什么意思?组词

- saying (n.) 谚语;格言

- unsay (v.) 撤回;收回

- resay (v.) 再次说;重复地说

- gainsay (v.) 反驳;否认

- hearsay (n.) 传闻;道听途说

5. say是什么意思?的中英文对照

say: 说,讲,表达

- He didn't say anything, but his expression showed his disapproval.


saying: 谚语,格言

- There is an old saying that goes "Actions speak louder than words."


unsay: 撤回,收回

- I'm sorry, I didn't mean that. Can I unsay it?


resay: 再次说,重复地说

- The teacher had to resay the instructions because some students weren't paying attention.


gainsay: 反驳,否认

- No one can gainsay the fact that he is a talented musician.


hearsay: 传闻,道听途说

- Don't believe everything you hear. It's just hearsay.




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