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physical examination是什么意思,physical

physical examination是指对人体进行全面的身体检查,以评估身体健康状况和任何潜在的健康问题。它通常由医生或其他医疗专业人员进行,可以包括测量身高、体重、血压等基本指标,检查器官功能和感觉反应等。

【读音】[fɪzɪkl ɪgˌzæməˈneɪʃən]

physical examination是什么意思,physical

【用法】physical examination通常被用作一个名词短语,表示“身体检查”。它也可以简写为“PE”。


1. The doctor recommended a physical examination for the patient to determine the cause of his symptoms.


2. All students are required to undergo a physical examination before starting school.


3. During the physical examination, the doctor found a lump in the patient's breast and ordered further tests.


4. It is important to have a regular physical examination to monitor your health and catch any potential issues early on.


5. After the accident, the athlete had to undergo a physical examination to determine the extent of his injuries.



1. Medical checkup:与physical examination意思相同,都指对身体进行全面检查。但medical checkup更常用于非正式场合。

2. Physical assessment:也指对身体进行评估和检查,但通常更侧重于评估身体状况而不是潜在问题。

3. Health screening:强调的是通过检查来筛选出任何健康问题。

4. Annual physical:指每年定期进行的身体检查。

5. Routine checkup:也指定期进行的常规身体检查,通常用于非正式场合。


physical examination是指对人体进行全面的身体检查,以评估身体健康状况和任何潜在的健康问题。它通常由医生或其他医疗专业人员进行,可以帮助人们及早健康问题并采取措施预防或治疗。建议每年至少进行一次身体检查,并且注意保持健康的生活方式。


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