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persuade是什么意思? persuade翻译(中文文):说服, 劝说,





persuade是什么意思? persuade翻译(中文文):说服, 劝说,


1. persuade sb to do sth: 说服某人做某事

例句:I finally persuaded him to go on a trip with us.(我最终成功地说服他和我们一起去旅行。)

2. persuade sb of sth: 使某人相信某事

例句:It took me a long time to persuade her of my innocence.(我花了很长时间才让她相信我的清白。)

3. be persuaded by sb/sth: 被某人/某事所说服

例句:She was easily persuaded by his smooth words.(她很容易被他的花言巧语所说服。)

4. persuade sb against sth: 劝说某人不要做某事

例句:I tried to persuade him against quitting his job, but he wouldn't listen.(我试图劝说他不要辞职,但他不听我的。)

5. persuade oneself: 使自己相信

例句:He was trying to persuade himself that everything would be fine.(他试图让自己相信一切都会好起来。)


1. She managed to persuade her parents to let her study abroad for a year.(她成功地说服父母让她出国留学一年。)

2. The salesman used his charm and eloquence to persuade the customer to buy the product.(销售员利用自己的魅力和口才说服顾客购买产品。)

3. It's not easy to persuade people of something they don't want to believe.(让人们相信他们不想相信的事情并不容易。)

4. I was persuaded by my friends to go skydiving, and it turned out to be an amazing experience.(我的朋友们劝说我去跳伞,结果证明这是一次令人惊艳的体验。)

5. She couldn't be persuaded against her decision, no matter how hard we tried.(无论我们多么努力,她都无法改变自己的决定。)


1. convince:说服、使相信

例句:I tried to convince her that he was lying, but she wouldn't listen.(我试图让她相信他在撒谎,但她不听我的。)

2. coax:哄骗、劝诱

例句:He used his charm to coax her into going on a date with him.(他利用自己的魅力哄骗她和他一起约会。)

3. sway:影响、左右

例句:Her emotional speech swayed the audience and they all voted for her.(她感情充沛的演讲影响了观众,他们都投票支持了她。)

4. influence:影响、说服

例句:The teacher's words influenced the students to work harder.(老师的话影响了学生们更加努力学习。)

5. cajole:勾引、甜言蜜语地劝诱

例句:She cajoled her husband into buying her a new car.(她甜言蜜语地劝诱丈夫给她买一辆新车。)


persuade是一个常用的动词,意为“说服”、“劝说”。它有两个基本含义,一是通过说服或者劝说来改变某人的想法或行为,二是使某人相信某件事情的真实性或可信性。它可以与to do sth、of sth、by sb/sth、against sth等结构搭配使用。它的同义词有convince、coax、sway、influence和cajole等。在写作中,我们可以根据具体语境选择合适的同义词,来丰富句子表达。总的来说,persuade是一个非常有用的动词,希望本文能够帮助大家更好地理解和运用它。


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