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period是什么意思? period翻译(中文文):时期, 学时, 节,

一:period是什么意思? period翻译(中文文):时期, 学时, 节,的意思,指一段时间或特定的时刻。

二:怎么读(音标),英 [ˈpɪəriəd] 美 [ˈpɪriəd]


period是什么意思? period翻译(中文文):时期, 学时, 节,


1. She has been studying for a long period of time. 她已经学习了很长一段时间了。

2. The exam will last for two periods. 这次考试将持续两个学时。

3. The rain sped and there was a period of calm. 雨停了,接着是一个平静的时期。

4. After a brief period of hesitation, she made up her mind to accept the job offer. 经过短暂的犹豫后,她决定接受这份工作邀请。

5. The doctor told her that she would go through a difficult period during chemotherapy. 医生告诉她,在化疗期间会有一个艰难的阶段。


1. The duration of the movie is three hours. 这部电影的时长是三个小时。

2. There will be a short interval between the two performances. 两场演出之间会有一个短暂的间隔。

3. The project is now in its final phase. 这个项目现在进入了最后阶段。



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