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performance什么意思? performance翻译(中文文):履行,





1. performance作为名词,可以指某人或者团体的表演、演出或者执行情况。

performance什么意思? performance翻译(中文文):履行,

例句:The singer's performance was outstanding and received a standing ovation from the audience. (这位歌手的表演非常出色,观众给予了起立鼓掌。)

2. performance也可以指某一、设备或者产品的运行情况。

例句:The new software update has greatly improved the performance of our computer. (最新的软件更新大大提升了我们电脑的性能。)

3. 在商业领域,performance通常指企业或者投资组合的表现状况。

例句:The company's stock price has been steadily increasing, reflecting its strong financial performance. (公司股价持续上涨,反映出其强劲的财务表现。)


1. The athlete's performance in the race was exceptional and he won first place. (这位运动员在比赛中的表现异常出色,获得了第一名。)

2. The company's quarterly performance report showed a significant increase in profits. (公司季度业绩报告显示利润大幅增长。)

3. The orchestra's performance of Beethoven's Symphony No. 5 was breathtaking. (乐团演奏的贝多芬第五交响乐令人惊叹。)

4. The team's poor performance in the game was due to lack of preparation and teamwork. (球队在比赛中表现糟糕,是由于缺乏准备和团队合作。)

5. The actor's powerful performance in the play earned him critical acclaim. (这位演员在戏剧中的精彩表现获得了评论界的赞誉。)


1. achievement:成就,通常指取得的成功或者完成的目标。

例句:The student's academic achievements earned her a scholarship to a university. (学生的学术成就为她赢得了一所顶尖大学的奖学金。)

2. accomplishment:成就,也可以指某项任务或者工作完成后所取得的结果。

例句:The completion of the project was a great accomplishment for the team. (项目的完成是团队的伟大成就。)

3. execution:执行,通常指按照计划或者要求进行操作或者实施。

例句:The successful execution of the marketing campaign led to an increase in sales for the company. (市场营销活动的成功执行使得公司的销售额增加。)

4. presentation:演讲、展示,也可以指某人或者团体在公众面前的表现。

例句:The speaker's presentation on climate change was informative and engaging. (演讲者关于气候变化的展示既有知识性又引人入胜。)




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