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perfect pitch什么意思? perfect pitch翻译(中文文):音

perfect pitch是指一个人具有非常敏锐的音乐听觉能力,可以准确地辨别出各种音高的音符。这种能力通常被称为“绝对音高”或“绝对听觉”,是一种天赋,只有极少数人拥有。


[ˈpəːfɛkt pɪtʃ]

perfect pitch什么意思? perfect pitch翻译(中文文):音


1. 作为名词,指一个人拥有绝对音高的能力。:He has perfect pitch and can easily identify any note played on the piano.

2. 作为形容词,用来描述某件事物或者人具有极高的质量或表现。:Her performance was perfect pitch, she didn't make a single mistake.


1. She was born with perfect pitch, and could play any song on the piano just by listening to it once. 她天生具有绝对音高,可以通过听一次歌曲就能弹奏出来。

2. The music teacher was amazed by his student's perfect pitch and predicted a bright future for her in the music industry. 音乐老师对他学生的绝对音高感到惊讶,并预言她在音乐界会有光明的前途。

3. It is rare for someone to have perfect pitch, as it is a natural talent that cannot be learned or acquired through practice. 拥有绝对音高的人很少,因为这是一种天赋,无法通过练习来获得。

4. People with perfect pitch are often able to identify the key of a song just by listening to the first few notes. 拥有绝对音高的人通常可以通过听几个音符就能辨别出一首歌的调式。

5. He has been praised for his perfect pitch and has been invited to perform at various music events and concerts. 他因为拥有绝对音高而受到赞扬,并受邀在各种音乐活动和音乐会上表演。


1. Absolute pitch: 同样指绝对音高的能力,可以作为perfect pitch的同义词使用。

2. Pitch perfect: 也可以用来形容某件事物或者人具有完美的表现或质量,与perfect pitch意思相同。


Perfect pitch是指一个人具有非常敏锐的音乐听觉能力,可以准确地辨别出各种音高的音符。这种能力通常被称为“绝对音高”或“绝对听觉”,是一种天赋。它可以作为名词或形容词使用,在日常生活中不太常见,但在音乐界却非常重要。它的同义词包括absolute pitch和pitch perfect。拥有perfect pitch的人通常被认为具有特殊的音乐天赋,并受到人们的赞赏和欣赏。


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