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pay attention to是什么意思? pay attention to翻译(中文

一:pay attention to是什么意思? pay attention to翻译(中文的意思

pay attention to是一个英语短语,意为“注意”,“留心”,“关注”。它由动词pay和名词attention组成,表示付出注意力,关心或关注某事物。这个短语常用于提醒他人要专心或重视某件事情。


pay attention to的读音为[pay əˈtɛnʃən tu:],其中to的发音为[tu:]。

pay attention to是什么意思? pay attention to翻译(中文


pay attention to通常用作及物动词短语,后面接名词、代词或动名词作宾语。也可以用作不及物动词短语,后面接介词短语作宾语。:

1. Please pay attention to what I'm saying. (请注意我说的话。)

2. He always pays attention to details. (他总是注意细节。)

3. They should pay more attention to their health. (他们应该更关注自己的健康。)

4. She is paying close attention to the news on TV. (她正在密切关注电视上的新闻。)


1. You need to pay more attention to your studies if you want to get good grades.


2. The teacher reminded the students to pay attention to the instructions before taking the test.


3. It's important to pay attention to your surroundings when you are walking on the street.


4. The company pays great attention to customer feedback and tries to improve their products accordingly.


5. As a parent, you should pay attention to your child's behavior and try to understand their feelings.



1. Focus on:专注于,集中注意力于。

2. Concentrate on:专心于,集中精力于。

3. Attend to:留意,关注。

这些同义词都可以替换pay attention to使用,表示关注或留心某事物。


pay attention to是一个常用的英语短语,意为“注意”,“留心”,“关注”。它可以用作及物动词短语或不及物动词短语,后面接名词、代词或动名词作宾语。同义词有focus on、concentrate on和attend to。使用时需要根据上下文确定适当的时态和形式。作为网络词典编辑翻译人员,要准确理解和使用这个短语,以便能够正确地传达其含义给读者。


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