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part什么意思? part翻译(中文文):部分, 局部, 零件 hellip




1. Part of the job of being a parent is setting boundaries for your children. (做父母的一部分工作就是为孩子设定界限。)

part什么意思? part翻译(中文文):部分, 局部, 零件 hellip

2. She took part in the school play last year. (她去年参加了学校的戏剧表演。)

3. Can you help me find the missing parts for this machine? (你能帮我找到这台机器丢失的零件吗?)

4. The two countries have been at odds for the most part of their history. (这两个在大部分历史上都处于敌对状态。)

5. He parted his hair on the left side today. (他今天把头发分在左边。)


1. Section: a separate part or division of something.

例句:Please read the section on safety precautions before using this product.


2. Component: a part or element of a larger whole.

例句:The engine is made up of various components that work together to power the car.


3. Portion: a part or share of a whole.

例句:She only ate a small portion of her meal because she wasn't feeling well.


4. Segment: one of the parts into which something can be divided.

例句:The market is divided into different segments based on demographics and buying habits.





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