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paper money是什么意思,paper money的解释

一:paper money的意思是指由纸张制成的货币,也称为纸币。

二:怎么读(音标):[ˈpeɪpər ˈmʌni]

三:用法:paper money是一种流通的货币形式,可以用于购买商品和支付债务。它通常由或银行发行,并具有法定的货币地位。

paper money是什么意思,paper money的解释


1. The use of paper money has greatly facilitated trade and commerce. (纸币的使用极大地促进了贸易和商业。)

2. Many countries have now switched to using paper money instead of metal coins. (许多现在已经转而使用纸币而不是金属硬币。)

3. The value of paper money is determined by the stability of the issuing country's economy. (纸币的价值取决于发行经济的稳定性。)

4. Inflation can cause the value of paper money to decrease over time. (通货膨胀会导致纸币的价值随着时间的推移而下降。)

5. The counterfeiting of paper money is a serious crime that can lead to severe penalties. (纸币是一种严重的犯罪行为,可能会导致严厉的处罚。)


1. Banknote: a piece of paper money issued by a bank, usually with a specific value. (银行券:由银行发行的一种纸币,通常具有特定的价值。)

2. Currency: the system of money that is used in a particular country. (货币:在某个使用的货币体系。)

3. Cash: money in the form of notes and coins, rather than cheques or credit. (现金:指纸币和硬币形式的钱,而不是支票或信用。)

4. Legal tender: coins or banknotes that are officially accepted as a means of payment. (法定货币:被认可作为支付手段的硬币或纸币。)


Paper money是一种由纸张制成、具有法定货币地位并流通于市场的货币形式,它极大地促进了贸易和商业发展。虽然它便利了人们的生活,但也存在着等问题,因此需要和银行严格监管。作为词典编辑翻译人员,我们应该准确理解paper money这一术语,并将其释义清晰地表达出来,以便读者能够更好地理解和使用这一术语。


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