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1. protest是什么意思?


2. protest的用法有哪些?

(1)作为动词使用时,常与介词against连用,表示反对某事物或某人的做法。:They protested against the government's decision to raise taxes.(他们提高税收的决定。)

(2)也可以与介词to连用,表示对某事物或某人提出异议。:The students protested to the school administration about the new dress code.(学生们向学校管理部门提出了新的着装规定的异议。)

(3)作为名词使用时,常指一种公开表达不满或不同意见的行为或活动。:The protest against the company's environmental policies attracted a lot of media attention.(针对公司环境的活动吸引了很多媒体关注。)

3. protest是什么意思?protest的用法有哪些?读音读法


4. protest是什么意思?protest的用法有哪些?的用例

(1)The workers organized a protest against the company's decision to lay off employees.


(2)The citizens took to the streets to protest the government's new policy on education.


(3)Many people joined the protest march to show their support for the LGBTQ community.


(4)The students staged a sit-in as a peaceful form of protest against racial discrimination.


(5)The farmers gathered outside the government building to voice their protest against the new land acquisition law.


5. protest是什么意思?protest的用法有哪些?组词

- noun: protester, protestation, protestor

- adjective: protesting, protestant

- verb: protest, protested, protesting

6. protest是什么意思?protest的用法有哪些?中英文对照

protest - 、反对

against - 反对、违背、违反

to - 向、对、至于

dissent - 异议、不同意见

demonstration - 、示范

opposition - 反对、

objection - 反对、异议

disapproval - 不赞成、反对

resist - 、

rebellion - 反叛、起义



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