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oversleep什么意思? oversleep翻译(中文文):睡过头 hellip



例句1:I overslept this morning and missed my flight. (我今天早上睡过头了,错过了我的航班。)

oversleep什么意思? oversleep翻译(中文文):睡过头 hellip

例句2:If you don't want to oversleep, you should set an alarm. (如果你不想睡过头,就应该设置一个闹钟。)

例句3:He always oversleeps on weekends because he stays up late playing video games. (他周末总是会睡过头,因为他晚上玩电子游戏玩得太晚了。)

例句4:I can't afford to oversleep tomorrow, I have an important meeting in the morning. (我明天不能睡过头,我早上有个重要的。)

例句5:She was so exhausted from work that she overslept and missed her doctor's appointment. (她工作太累了,结果睡过头错过了她的医生约会。)


1. Sleep in: 意为“赖床”,指某人在预定的时间内继续睡觉而不起床。

例句:I'm going to sleep in tomorrow, I don't have any plans until the afternoon. (我明天要赖床,直到下午才有计划。)

2. Snooze: 意为“打盹”,指某人在预定的时间内稍微睡一会儿。

例句:I always hit the snooze button on my alarm at least three times before I actually get up. (我每次都要按闹钟上的打盹按钮至少三次才会真正起床。)

3. Doze off: 意为“打瞌睡”,指某人在意识不清的状态下睡着了。

例句:I dozed off during the boring lecture and missed most of the important information. (我在无聊的讲座上打瞌睡,错过了大部分重要信息。)


Oversleep是一个常用于日常生活中的动词,意为“睡过头”。它可以用来形容某人因为睡得太久而错过重要的事情,也可以用来指某人在预定的时间内继续睡觉而不起床。同义词包括sleep in、snooze和doze off等,它们也都与睡眠相关。建议使用时注意语境,避免出现误解。


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