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二:怎么读(音标):英 [ˌəʊvəˈkʌm] 美 [ˌoʊvərˈkʌm]



1. He overcame his fear of heights and climbed to the of the mountain. 他克服了对高处的恐惧,爬上了山顶。

2. She had to overcome many obstacles in order to achieve her dream of becoming a doctor. 她不得不克服许多障碍才能实现成为一名医生的梦想。

3. He struggled to overcome his addiction to cigarettes and finally succeeded after many attempts. 他努力战胜吸烟的瘾头,在多次尝试后终于成功了。

4. The team was able to overcome a 20-point deficit and win the game in the final minutes. 这支球队在最后几分钟内成功逆转20分的落后局面,并赢得了比赛。

5. The country is still trying to overcome the economic crisis that hit it last year. 这个仍在努力克服去年遭受的经济危机。


1. Conquer:意为“征服,攻克”,多指战胜敌人或克服困难。:The army finally conquered the enemy and took control of the city.(最终征服了敌人并了这座城市。)

2. Surmount:意为“克服,战胜”,强调通过努力或智慧来克服困难。:She was able to surmount all the challenges and achieve her dream.(她能够克服所有的挑战,实现自己的梦想。)

3. Overpower:意为“压倒,制服”,多指通过力量或权威来压倒对方。:The army was able to overpower the rebels and regain control of the city.(能够压倒叛并重新这座城市。)

4. Defeat:意为“击败,战胜”,强调通过竞争或对抗来取得胜利。:The team was able to defeat their opponents and win the championship.(这支球队成功击败对手并赢得了冠。)

5. Master:意为“掌握,精通”,可以指通过学习和练习来掌握某种技能或知识,也可以指战胜某种困难或克服某种弱点。:He was able to master the difficult dance routine after weeks of practice.(经过数周的练习,他终于掌握了这个复杂的舞蹈动作。)

六:编辑总结:overcome是一个多义词,可以表示克服困难、战胜挑战、克制情绪或欲望、压倒、超过和解决问题等含义。在使用时,可以根据具体语境选择合适的同义词来替换,以丰富表达方式。同时,overcome也可以用作名词,表示“胜利”或“战胜困难”,:The team's overcome in the championship was a great achievement.(这支球队在冠赛中的胜利是一个巨大的成就。)


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