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1. 作为动词时,out可以表示“超出某个范围”、“超过某人”或者“使某人出局”。:


- He outperformed all his compes and won the gold medal. (他表现优异,赢得了金牌。)

- The team was outplayed by their opponents in the final match. (在决赛中,这支队伍被对手打败了。)

- The company has been struggling to stay in business, but it seems like they are finally out of the game. (这家公司一直在艰难地维持经营,但看起来他们终于退出了市场。)

2. 作为副词时,out可以表示“向外”、“出去”或者“完全地”。:

- He ran out of the room when he saw a spider on the wall. (当他看到墙上有只蜘蛛时,他跑出了房间。)

- She went out for a walk to clear her mind. (她出去散步来放松自己。)

- The team played their hearts out in the final game. (这支队伍在决赛中全力以赴。)

3. 作为形容词时,out可以表示“不流行的”、“不时髦的”或者“过时的”。:

- That hairstyle is so out these days. (那种发型现在已经不流行了。)

- I can't believe you're still wearing those out jeans from the 90s. (我简直无法相信你还穿着那些90年代的过时牛仔裤。)

4. 作为名词时,out可以表示“外面”或者“出去”。:

- We decided to have a picnic in the park, but it started raining, so we had to move indoors instead of going out. (我们本来打算在公园里野餐,但开始下雨了,所以我们只能室内活动,而不能外出了。)

- The kids are playing outside, so please keep an eye on them when they are out. (孩子们在外面玩耍,请他们出去的时候多留意一下。)


1. The cat snuck out of the house when I opened the door. (当我打开门时,猫偷偷地从房子里溜了出去。)

2. The company is trying to outdo its compes by offering better deals. (这家公司正在努力通过提供更好的交易来超越竞争对手。)

3. He was completely out of breath after running for 30 minutes. (跑了30分钟后,他已经上气不接下气了。)

4. That fashion trend is so out, no one wears those clothes anymore. (那种时尚潮流已经过时了,再也没有人穿那种衣服了。)

5. They were having a heated argument and eventually one of them stormed out of the room. (他们在激烈争吵,最终其中一个人冲出房间。)


1. Beyond:作为介词,它的意思和out相似,表示“超出;超过”。:The team's performance is beyond our expectations. (这支队伍的表现超出了我们的预期。)

2. Exceed:作为动词,它的意思也和out类似,表示“超过;胜过”。:Her grades exceed the class average by a large margin. (她的成绩远远高于班级平均水平。)

3. Outstrip:作为动词,它的意思是“超过;胜过”,但更强调某人或某物在数量或程度上远远超过其他人或物。:The company's profits have outstripped all its compes. (这家公司的利润远远超过了所有竞争对手。)

4. Outdated:作为形容词,它的意思和out相似,表示“过时的;陈旧的”。:The technology used in this product is completely outdated. (这个产品使用的技术已经完全过时了。)

5. Exit:作为动词,它的意思是“离开;退出”,和out表示相同的动作。:She exited the room without saying a word. (她一言不发地离开了房间。)




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