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outskirt是什么意思? outskirt翻译(中文文):外边, 郊区



outskirt是什么意思? outskirt翻译(中文文):外边, 郊区

例句1:We decided to move to the outskirt of the city for a quieter life. (我们决定搬到城市的外围,过上更安静的生活。)

例句2:The outskirt of the town is known for its beautiful nature and hiking trails. (这个小镇的边缘地带以其美丽的自然风景和远足径闻名。)

例句3:The factory was built on the outskirt of the village, causing pollution to the surrounding areas. (工厂建在村子的边缘,给周围地区带来了污染。)

例句4:Living in the outskirt can be inconvenient as there are not many shops or services nearby. (住在郊区可能不太方便,因为附近没有太多商店或服务设施。)

例句5:The outskirt of this city is rapidly developing, with new residential areas and shopping malls being built. (这个城市的郊区正在快速发展,新的住宅区和购物中心正在建设中。)


1. outskirts: 与outskirt同义,表示城市或地区的边缘地带。

2. periphery: 与outskirt意思相近,指某个地区或团体的边缘区域。

3. fringe: 与outskirt意思相近,指某个地方的边缘部分。

4. border: 可以用来表示两个不同地区之间的,也可以指某个城市或地区的外围。

5. suburb: 与outskirt意思相近,指离市中心较远的住宅区。



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