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ousia什么意思? ousia翻译(中文文): essence hellip



【三】ousia作为名词,常用于形容词前,表示“基本的”、“根本的”、“真正的”。:the ousia purpose of education(教育的真正目的)。

ousia什么意思? ousia翻译(中文文): essence hellip


1. The ousia of a good leader is to inspire and motivate their team.(一个优秀领导者的本质是激励和激发团队。)

2. The ousia of a successful business is to provide value to its customers.(一个成功企业的核心是为客户提供价值。)

3. The philosopher pondered the ousia of existence for years.(哲学家思考存在的实质多年。)

4. The artist believed that capturing the ousia of nature was essential in his paintings.(艺术家认为捕捉自然之本质对其绘画至关重要。)

5. The teacher focused on teaching the students the ousia of math concepts rather than just memorizing formulas.(老师注重教授学生数学概念的本质,而非仅仅记忆公式。)

【五】同义词:substance, essence, core, fundamental, nature

用法:ousia作为名词,常用于形容词前,也可以作为定语或表语。:the ousia concept(基本概念),the ousia element(基本要素),the ousia truth(真理)。



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