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orphan是什么意思? orphan翻译(中文文):孤儿, 失去生母




1. My heart goes out to all the orphans who have lost their parents in the war. 我心疼所有在战争中失去双亲的孤儿们。

orphan是什么意思? orphan翻译(中文文):孤儿, 失去生母

2. She was orphaned at a young age and had to take care of her younger siblings. 她年幼时就成了孤儿,不得不照顾她的弟弟妹妹。

3. The organization provides support and resources for orphaned children in need. 这个组织为需要帮助的孤儿提供支持和资源。

4. He was orphaned by a tragic accident and has been living with his grandparents ever since. 他因一场悲剧意外而成为孤儿,从那以后就一直和祖父母生活在一起。

5. The government has implemented policies to help orphaned children find loving homes through adoption. 已经实施,通过领养来帮助孤儿找到温暖的家庭。

同义词及用法:fatherless, motherless, parentless, abandoned


编辑总结:orphan一词通常用来指失去双亲的孩子,也可以指没有父母照顾的人。作为动词时,orphan可以表示使某人成为孤儿。同义词包括fatherless, motherless, parentless和abandoned,但它们强调的方面有所不同。在使用时要注意上下文和语境。


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