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orchard什么意思? orchard翻译(中文文):果园, 果园里的


orchard什么意思? orchard翻译(中文文):果园, 果园里的




1. The family went for a picnic in the orchard and picked apples together.(这家人去果园野餐,并一起摘苹果。)

2. The orchard was filled with the sweet fragrance of ripe peaches.(果园里弥漫着成熟桃子的甜美香气。)

3. The farmer takes great care of his orchard to ensure a good harvest every year.(农民精心照料他的果园,以确保每年都有丰收。)

4. The children enjoyed running around in the orchard, chasing each other among the trees.(孩子们在果园里奔跑玩耍,在树林间追逐彼此。)

5. The land was once an abandoned orchard, but now it has been turned into a beautiful park for people to relax in.(这片土地曾经是一片废弃的果园,但现在已经被改造成一个供人们休闲放松的美丽公园。)

同义词及用法:fruit farm(果园), plantation(种植园), garden(花园)。

编辑总结:orchard是一个表示果树种植农田的词语,可以作为名词和形容词使用。它通常指一片种植果树的农田,也可以指种植其他经济作物的农田。在日常生活中,orchard经常用来表示一片美丽的果园,人们可以在其中采摘水果、休闲放松。同义词包括fruit farm、plantation和garden等。


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