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opportunity cost是什么意思,opportunity cost的解释

一:opportunity cost是什么意思

opportunity cost是什么意思,opportunity cost的解释

opportunity cost是一个经济学术语,指的是在做出决策时所放弃的最佳选择所带来的成本。它指的是人们在做出选择时,必须放弃的其他可行选择所产生的损失。尽管这些损失并不直接产生任何花费,但它们仍然会影响到人们做出决策时所考虑的因素。


[op-er-too-ni-tee kawst]


opportunity cost通常用于经济学领域,但也可用于日常生活中。它可以帮助人们做出更明智的决策,在权衡不同选择时考虑到潜在的机会成本。在商业领域,企业也会使用这个概念来评估不同投资方案之间的利弊。


1. The opportunity cost of going to college is the potential income that could have been earned if one had entered the workforce instead. (上大学的机会成本是如果选择进入职场可能会获得的收入)

2. When deciding between buying a new car or investing in stocks, it is important to consider the opportunity cost of each option. (当在购买新车或者投资股票之间做出决策时,考虑到每个选择的机会成本是很重要的)

3. The opportunity cost of spending money on luxury items is the potential savings that could have been accumulated instead. (花钱在奢侈品上的机会成本是可能本来可以积攒下来的储蓄)

4. By choosing to work from home, she was able to save on transportation costs, but the opportunity cost was missing out on face-to-face interactions with colleagues. (通过选择在家工作,她可以节省交通费用,但是机会成本是错过了与同事面对面交流的机会)

5. The opportunity cost of spending time watching TV is the potential productivity that could have been achieved by doing something more productive. (看电视花费时间的机会成本是可能通过做更有意义的事情而达到的生产力)


opportunity cost的同义词包括alternative cost、trade-off和forgone cost。它们都指代在做出决策时所放弃的最佳选择所带来的成本。,“alternative cost of buying a new car”(购买新车的替代成本)和“trade-off between studying and working”(学习和工作之间的权衡)都可以用来表示opportunity cost。


opportunity cost是一个经济学术语,指代在做出决策时所放弃的最佳选择所带来的成本。它可以帮助人们做出更明智的决策,在考虑不同选择时权衡潜在的机会成本。它的同义词包括alternative cost、trade-off和forgone cost,都指代同样的概念。在日常生活中,我们也可以运用这个概念来帮助我们做出更好的决策。


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