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regions of the world(世界各地区)、administrative regions(行政区域)、geographical regions(地理区域)、cultural regions(文化地带)、economic regions(经济发展区域)


1. regions是什么意思?regions的用法及例句的解释

2. regions是什么意思?regions的用法及例句读音读法

3. regions是什么意思?regions的用法及例句的用例

4. regions是什么意思?regions的用法及例句组词

5. regions是什么意思?regions的用法及例句的中英文对照

1. Regions are special places that hold significant meaning, often used to describe administrative or natural areas like countries, states, or provinces. For instance, "The Northeast region of China encompasses the three provinces of Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang." In short, regions are like unique puzzle pieces that come together to form a bigger picture.

2.regions is used as a noun, with the plural form being regions and the singular form being region. The pronunciation is [ˈriːdʒənz].

3.Examples of usage for regions:

(1) This country is divided into five different economic development zones.

(2) This book covers different cultures and ethnic regions around the world.

(3) Europe is divided into multiple geographic regions such as Western Europe, Eastern Europe and Southern Europe.

(4) This city is divided into different administrative regions, each with its own unique characteristics.

(5) This land belongs to the region of Alaska, with a cold climate and sparse population.

4.Words related to regions:

regions of the world, administrative regions, geographical regions, cultural regions, economic regions.


Regions refers to specific areas that have been designated, usually referring to administrative or natural geographic areas such as countries, states, provinces, etc. For example: "The Northeast region of China includes the three provinces of Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang."



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