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On your mark是什么意思? On your mark翻译(中文文):各

On your mark是一个英语短语,用作口语,意思是“准备好了吗?”,通常用来引导开始一个活动或比赛。

On your mark是什么意思? On your mark翻译(中文文):各

怎么读(音标):[ɒn jɔː mɑːk]

用法:On your mark通常用于竞赛或比赛前的准备阶段,作为指示性的口令。在比赛中,裁判会喊出"On your mark",参赛者则会做好准备姿势。这个短语也可以用来引导开始其他活动,如讲话、表演等。

例句1:The runners lined up at the starting line, waiting for the signal. The referee shouted, "On your mark!" and they all got into position.


例句2:The teacher said, "On your mark, get set, go!" and the students began their race around the track.


例句3:The speaker took a deep breath and said to the audience, "On your mark, let's begin our discussion on climate change."


例句4:The dancers stood on stage, waiting for the music to start. The director said, "On your mark, get ready to perform!"


例句5:The players were getting ready for the big game. The coach shouted, "On your mark, let's show them what we've got!"


同义词及用法:类似的口语短语还有"On your go"或"Just go",意思也是“开始!”可以在比赛或活动中使用。

编辑总结:On your mark是一个常用的口语短语,用来引导开始一个活动或比赛。它的意思是“准备好了吗?”通常会在裁判、老师、导演等发出口令后,参与者会做好准备姿势或开始活动。同义词有"On your go"和"Just go"。记住这个短语,可以让你更流利地参与英语交流,并且不会错过任何重要的活动。


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